Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Independent Happiness.....

So I woke up early this morning, 5:43am to be exact. When I looked at my clock and saw the time, I was initially irkedoff I woke up so early. Then I laid there trying to go back to sleep, but I couldn't I was thinking of everything I could be doing and what I wanted to try to accomplish today. So up I got. Then I looked out the window of my living room and saw the mountains in the early morning sunlight and thought "wow, that's a cool sight" Then I suddenly felt 'happy'.

I've been thinking a whole lot lately about the concept of happiness. (Yeah, if people really knew the things I think and ponder about all the time, it would surprise you) I guess the reason I've been thinking about the concept of happiness is mostly in light of the path that I am pursuing, and in seeing the path others close to me have been undertaking.

Everyone wants to be happy including me. The pursuit of happiness can be found in almost everything we do -our jobs, school, relationships, goals, hobbies, religion, morals, etc. Yet if everything we do in essence is in some way related to our overall happiness why are so many people unhappy?

Shouldn't we be experts on the subject by now? I think there is a misconception about happiness. People all too often view happiness as if it were a physical tangible gift that comes to you on account of the things you do with your life. I do no believe that happiness is a destination or a place. It's not like we make a choice and then suddenly we say, "Okay, I've arrived! I'm happy now!"

Rather, happiness is a progression, a journey, a way of life. I believe that happiness is dependent upon progression or achievement. When I say achievement, I don't mean, winning a medal, getting a job, making a friend, or having a talent discovered and becoming famous. It is the attitude towards earning the achievement that makes the journey to the achievement full of happiness. You still with me?

So often I hear people say, "I will be happy when I get this or that. If I can just change this about myself then I will be happy. When I get to this destination in life, then I will be happy." I believe that this concept fools people into unhappiness. It fools people into unhappiness because it is not the achievement itself that brings happiness, but rather the journey itself can truly be a happy one if we let it. For me, when I make mistakes and do self destructive behaviors it is usually on account of shortsightedness, an unmet need, laziness or just plain stupidity. But through it all, I can still choose to be happy. Wherever or whatever the situation is, I can choose to be happy.

For me, happiness is dependent upon progression. Again, not the progression of achievement, but the progression of who I am, my character, and my calling in life. Achievement is merely like a mile marker in that positive progression. Because of that, no one can tell me what will make me happy, even those that tell me how much happier I'd be once I was married or had kids or did this or that.

If I can choose to love myself independent of some of my actions though; love myself as God loves me, then my weaknesses can be overcome. And when I have overcome my weaknesses or the trials or made the achievements, it is not the arrival of the reward that makes it all worthwhile, but rather the journey for me.

Thats why life is hard. Heaven wouldn't be exciting if it was just a matter of hanging on long enough to make it from birth to death. I know people are going to disagree with me on this but I believe that obedience does not bring full happiness. I'm not dissing on obedience but I'm speaking about happiness. Happiness comes from within. There are many many happy people that aren't "obedient" as you or I would see the definition of obedience. Happiness is independent of any of life's variables. Sin and disobedience are natural parts of mortality and therefore sorrowing over it does little good. Pick up, move on, and be happy.

The well quoted verse, Alma 41:10 states, ...wickedness never was happiness. I completely agree. But too often people reverse the statement and twist the meaning to say: Wickedness is unhappiness. Happiness is independent. Alma was speaking of the resurrection and the restoration being restored to happiness or in other words being restored unto exaltation. If you take it in the context that it is so often portrayed in the church, no, wickedness never was happiness, but neither was righteousness. Happiness is independent of wickedness and righteousness. Just think about it.

I choose to be optimistic and make something of myself. I've been asking myself a lot lately, "Am I happy? Am I really, truly happy?" If happiness is not dependent upon my circumstances then it doesn't matter what my circumstances are. I'm glad to be me because I can be happy. I am not the only one in life who suffers with less than perfect circumstances. I can learn and grow in the life that God gave me and I can be happy. I'm not just saying this to convince myself or out of an obligation to convince others but truly because I believe it and I feel it to be true.

So then, am I happy? I really think I am. It's not like a big roller coaster either where one week I'm happy and the next week I suffer, but over all I've been steady. I feel great about life. I feel good about the direction I'm moving and the changes I'm making. Life is really good. I am happy.

Are you happy?


Anonymous said...

Well I thought this one could be controversial to others but atleast u spoke your mind. I feel that we must all go through unhappiness to appreciate happiness. No one's perfect and that's why you should never be overbearing on yourself and why you're not happy but it's all in the way you look at your situation. It's like this you can either be sad for the roses because they have thorns or you can be happy for the thorns because they have roses...get what I's all in the way you look at your situation in life. enough said.

Lys said...

I have two choices in life - be happy or unhappy and, in my opinion, life is a whole lot better when one is happy. Sure, things bother me (*ahem*) but I blog about it - deal with it - and let it go.

I think you said it beautifully Mike!

Katharine Wolfgramm Wilson said...

Wowzers Mike, I love your thoughts and perceptions on life, alls I can say is that it reminds me of this saying..."Bloom where you are Planted" I truly believe that your own happiness is the actual progression in your own life, with the Good and the Bad, the Highs and the Lows, our Imperfections and all..I've come to also believe that when we forget about ourselves and truly think and serve others is where you'll feel the true essence of Happiness...atleast I've felt it more...Dang, I'm prolly gonna start a Blogspot! It feels good to just jot thoughts and feelings down and just get them off my chest...thanks Love, Kat

Jen said...

interesting SOME ways I hope we never become experts on happiness...without being UNHAPPY...we'll never really appreciate the joy of BEING happy...and what is the definition of happy any ways? OUR idea of happiness different then HEAVENS happiness...making that quote 'wickedness never was happiness' more true and not independant of opinion is that in our earthly experience...happiness is independant like you say and all of us have the privilege to experience that,..yet in a spiritual sense..I believe the most purest form of happiness IS a destination only attained thru obedience and righteousness.
And to answer your last question..I'm not really happy at the moment...for realz

Ana said...

hey mike..
i'm glad you finally gave into the masses and got a blog I don't know sometimes why i did but I do like reading others sometimes.. well I like your perception on happiness.. I guess we all just have to just listen to a little our heads ...which is tends to help me thru alot "DON"T WORRY BE HAPPY.. the best lyric's man could come up with.. well mikey.. luv ya ...