Thursday, September 18, 2008

Crazy least I think so!

The thing that sucks about any type of journal or record of my life I've attempted is that when nothing really interesting is going on I have all kinds of entries, but then when there is so much to write about there is so little time to write about it.

So it's been awhile since I've blogged and I have so much I can say, yet don't know where to start? Politics--? I can say so much about the Presidental race right now!

Well, lets start with this little do-gooder I did last night!

So a few weeks back I bought two tickets to the Alicia Keys concert that is tonight. Paid $160 bucks for two tickets, and though I like her, I'm not like a fanatic where it's a must see! I've actually seen her perform live before, so I wasn't over eager to go. Anyhow, I knew Tiare loves Alicia Keys so I bought the tickets with the intent of taking her. She was ecstatic and has been. So last night she is at my apartment using my computer then so goes up to her apartment to clean. To make a long story short and not spill all her "beans" per say, I knew she would love to go with this one kid she calls her "crush". So I go up to her apartment & ask if there is anyone she would like to go with in my place, as I "forgot" my new tv shows were starting tomorrow night. She was like "really? Mike? are you sure?" I was, she wanted to invite her "crush" but she refused to call him and ask him. I told her I saw on her bebo page he left a comment about how lucky she was to be going to the Alicia Keys concert. She ran down to my apartment to use the computer and logged on to her bebo to see he really did. She got all giddy. Well, it took ALOT of prompting and scenerios to have her work up the courage to call him. After one hour of talking her into it, she finally goes into my bathroom, shuts the door, calls him and asks him. She came out of the bathroom all excited, giddy, ecstatic and smiling. She was so cute she said "My stomach was nervous the entire time" So I gave up my ticket to her so she can take her "crush"--that is what she calls him--oh to be 17 years old again!!

Next topic.....

So I love our political process and anyone that knows me well, knows I can converse for long periods of time on politics.

I am registered an Independent. I believe that being independent does not behold me to any one party or their platforms. I believe in voting for the candidate who best represents my views. I have voted for both democrats and republicans. I consider myself a moderate.

During the Primary season, I was going back and forth on who I was going to support. From a democrat to a republican. I have enjoyed so much this Presidential election season. To see an African-American and a Woman being two front runners, to seeing a woman chosen as the first Republican Vice Presidential candidate. WOW...come November history will be made no matter who wins and I get to witness it and vote!!

Well lets start with Barack Obama--I must admit when he first entered and all the media was all over him, I was impressed! But then reality set in and I actually had to remember not to be impressed with a good speech, but with their views, stands, and history. When I really studied up on him, I realized that though he can inspire people through his speeches and charisma. I wasn't too sure he is yet ready to lead this country. I personally thought he needed alittle more experience......but I definitely was not going to jump on the bandwagon of "hype" as I call it just because he was "fresh and young" and his popularity was soaring!

Then there was John McCain. I like him. But again, he represents to be everything that Washington is failing at. He has been a US Senator for over 20 years. In Washington. Though he is only one vote, it's still an important vote. Every vote counts right? So he is a war hero, a maverick he calls himself. He is going to change Washington. Yet, he has been in Washington for so many years...why hasn't he been at least attempting that earlier?

So Barack picks Joe Biden. I was alittle shocked I must say. Once because Joe Biden started last year for his own run at being President and got he got around 9000 votes before dropping out. No one was voting for him then, he is quoted as saying back then he wasn't interested in being Vice President, then 9 months later here he is accepting the offer to be Vice President.. What??? So I found it amusing while watching the Democratic Convention how everyone was so supportive, yet just 9 months earlier, no one cared when he was running for the Democratic Presidential nomination. Interesting wouldn't you say? He's still a good guy, but again, he's running with Barack on a platform of "Change", yet Joe Biden has been in the Senate for over 30 Years! Why didn't Barack pick a Washington Outsider if he really wants Change?

NOW....Sarah Palin! WOW talk about a shocker! I, like 99.9% of the country never heard of this woman before. But I kinda like her. One, because she shows that our Political Process is open for ANY American! Her she was 3 years ago a Mayor of a small town in Alaska, decided to run for Governor against her own parties sitting Governor and she won! Now she is hand picked to run as Vice President! Though I get nervous that she doesn't have enough experience, I realize it evens out with Barack. She's young, like Barack. Am I sure about her yet? Not really, but I think she is the only candidate that can really say she is a Washington Outsider and looking for Change!

So, I won't vote by party. I will wait for the debates next month, see how all the candidates do, how they answer, what they say about the issues, who aligns with me more on my top concerns. Remember no candidate will I ever have a 100% view with, but as each year our world changes, I am looking for the candidate who can tackle those issues facing me, us, the world at the moment.

Experience? I don't necessarily believe you need experience to be President. Really, who has experience to be President, except former Presidents! The world is constantly changing. Like any job, the best experience comes from doing the job first hand. Remember there are many Washington Insiders that advise the President and Vice President, inform them. So it's not like someone is going into the Oval Office blindly pushing the "Red" button to start a Nuclear War!

Right now, I am just glad to be a part of history in the making and whomever I vote for on November 4, 2008, win or lose, I will still be alive and still trying to make a difference in the world, earning a wage, and enjoying my freedoms granted to me and every American citizen over 200 years ago.

I was listening the other day to Bob Marley's "Redemption Song" about 20 times. I know I've heard this song before, but for some reason it's meaning finally struck me.
It's almost as if it's a song of hope for people in the struggling situations, a hope to get out and live a better life.

There is a line that goes "Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery; none but ourselves can free our mind." Too many people do not realize that much (if not all) of their current situations is due to their agency - their ability to choose for themselves. When all is said and done, it all comes down to choice. Too often, we wait around for someone else to come around and make the change for us, when in reality no one else will do that. It's up to us.

Perhaps that is the "mental slavery" Bob Marley speaks of: not realizing that we have a choice; that the power is within us to make the change. And until that occurs, we cannot sing those redemption songs.

Well, if you got to the end of this blog, I congratulate you! It was long...3 weeks long!!

1 comment:

Lys said...

Some good points but you know me and discussing politics. I'll see what the debates have to say but I'm already tipping my hat towards Obama. We'll see.

As for Alicia Keys, that was VERY sweet of you, Mike. Now I know a certain OTHER person that might have enjoyed to go *cough* (I'm PLAYIN'!). I'm so happy that Tiare was thrilled as she definitely would enjoy it and I'm glad she's taking her crush :)

Ahhh - to be young again.