Wow, it's been a couple months since I last blogged. Laziness last month, busy this month!
Being that it is Christmas in two days, I wanted to give everyone of my friends and those I care for something. So I am calling this the
"Gifts That I Would Give"
I have thought about my family and friends and my desire to share something meaningful with you to brighten your Christmas. I realize that some of the gifts I would offer are not really mine to give. Some must be earned to be appreciated; others are His alone to give. Below are my humble gifts to you. I would appreciate hearing what gifts you might give.
PEACE OF MIND....To me, peace is the truest form of happiness. I would give you peace in your heart, contentment in your life, peace amidst the turmoil and trials in your life.
UNDERSTANDING and ACCEPTANCE of Self and Others.....I would give you understanding of your internal and eternal soul, and understanding of Father's will in your life. I would give you an understanding of others and their needs. I would give you an acceptance of self and acceptance of other, even though they may not understand or accept you.
PATIENCE with SELF and OTHERS....I would give you patience with yourself, patience that enables you to not become overwhelmed when you fall short of your expectations, patience with progress, no matter how slow. Patience to know that after every fall, there is power to rise again. I would give you patience with others in their dealings with you. Patience to accept others and their faults.
TOLERANCE... I would give you tolerance for others that you too seek. Being tolerant of yourself will allow others to be tolerant of you.
FRIENDSHIP...I would give you a true friend, one who possesses these gifts, one who loves you unconditionally, one who speaks candidly, one who lifts and encourages you to be your best self, one who never abandons you in you darkest hour, one who makes you smile and laugh, yet is willing to cry with you.
AWARENESS....I would give you awareness of those around you, a sensitivity to their needs, and a willing heart to serve them according to their wants and needs
HONESTY... I would give you honesty with yourself and others even at your weakest moments that you could be honest as you wish others to be honest with you.
WISDOM....I would give you wisdom and discernment to guide your choices, words and actions.
DESIRE...I would give you desire, the desire to grow and improve, desire to be your best self, desire to endure, desire to take steps to improve your situation, desire to do whatever is required to follow Him.
SILENCE...I would give you silence when it is best to say nothing but listen, learn and understand. Silence when you want to react when reaction would only cause uneasiness, silence that you might listen to that still small voice.
And lastly I would give each of you...
RISK...risking yourself and vulnerability that comes with it, actually reaching out and caring about someone else, giving of oneself, and loving another without any thought of whether such love will be reciprocated, just risking that love for the sake of love!
There are many more gifts that I would give. I also am giving these gifts to myself this year.
Most of all this Christmas, I wish to express gratitude for the greatest of all gifts I have been given. I am grateful for the Babe who became my King, Savior, Redeemer, and Friend. I am grateful that He willingly paid the price for my sins. I am grateful for His gift of resurrection. I am grateful for His gospel which points me back to our Father.
Merry Christmas,
Mike B.